zaterdag 15 februari 2014

February 15, 2014 - where it all began

When it comes to love, I am a newbie, a beginner, a NOOB. I am 18 years old, not hideous (at least that's what I hope) and ready for some love. But my friend tells my that I'm to picky when it comes to guys. Well hello, I'm not going out with a guy I don't like, or  when there's no click, or not my type... well okay, I can see her point now.

The problem is, I am ready for love! I am ready to feel butterflies in my stomach, to get nervous when someone gets to close, or to think about a person all day long, everyday. The last time I really was in love, has to be.. about.. 7 years ago. This guy really made my world spin. Unbelievable. Looking back, I WAS OBSESSED! I think I'm the stalkish-girl-in-love. Checking his hyves all the frickin time (something we used to have in Holland. Something like facebook), going on MSN to see if he's online. Gosh.. the time I spend on my computer those days.

Honestly, I was late with everything. I kissed for the first time when I was 16, almost 17, and the next time was almost a year later! I mean.. maybe it's not super late, but I know people who slept with someone for the first time when they were 14 or 15.

There are two types of people in this world. People who have sex when they're 15, have no problems with sharing their sexuality and don't think kissing and sex are a big deal. It's just a part of life, and when it feels good, why just not do it.

I'm not like that. Sometimes I wish I was, but no, it's just not me. I'm the other type. The more reserved type. When someone flirts, just not knowing what to do, and always the 'no'. No kissing, no touching, no sex. Well I do the kissing, because who doesn't like a good snog? Right?

The point of this blog you may ask? Being more aware of all the things I do. I always feel like the normal kind, but is there a normal kind? 

I'll keep you posted. 

Happy -late- valentines day

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