zaterdag 29 maart 2014

The bad friend

Macy and her boyfriend are together for three months. And as I told you before, they already had some issues. I really thought it wouldn't last but today I had some news. And for me it is bad news; they're moving in together.

Well hello. What happened with all these problems? Did they just vanished after they bought a coach together? Yes! They already bought a coach together. I can't believe it. I'm both sad and excited. Sad because she will live an hour away from me. She will live with her boyfriend (which makes sense when you move in together), which means that she will not have as much time for me as before. Excited because I know that this is what she wants and I want her to be happy.

Sometimes I think the worst things when I feel alone and she has no time for me. Then I hope they will break up so that everything will go back to normal again. I know that that would break her heart, so after I am rational again, I oblige myself to feel bad about it.

I know it's normal that when you're both single, you have loads of time together, and that that will change after one of you gets a boy or girlfriend. Especially in the beginning it was very hard and I felt sad, because we used to spend all our weekends together (now I haven't seen her in four weeks, just saying..).

I was okay with it, I got a little used to it, but now that I know that they're moving in together, I'm back in hating mode. I'm so frustrated and sad, but I know I have to get over myself.

I wonder when she will come with the news that they're having a baby. o m g

I have to stop hating about love. But I love being her friend and I feel her drifting away from me. -whine-

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